
If you want to skip the background for now, go and download the data directly.

This year’s competition focuses on computational screening of alloy compositions from scrap metals to enable rapid discovery of new sustainable alloys. Materials research must become faster and more flexible to meet current societal challenges such as climate neutrality by 2050, the European Green Deal for a circular economy, current bottlenecks in raw material supply chains, and rising raw material and energy costs [ 1 ] . Recycling offers great potential for the development of new sustainable materials [ 2 ] . New alloys can be smelted by suitable combinations of different high-value scrap metals, which can serve as alternatives in the aerospace, power generation or automotive industries. To this end, we are using a simulation-based, high-throughput alloy screening approach, complemented by experimental data and validation, to dramatically accelerate the process of identifying and developing new scrap-based alloys that yield novel, tailored alloy designs with specific properties that can be reintegrated into advanced products and applications.

The data provided for this challenge was generated for the specific use case of developing a new Al-based alloy suitable for additive manufacturing by blending different available aluminum metal scrap such as automotive Al-Si piston alloys [ 3, 4, 5 ] and other alloys from different sectors. Different alloy designs were initially generated based on mixing ratios between available scrap alloys. The CALPHAD method was used to perform equilibrium and non-equilibrium calculations to predict relevant thermo-physical and mechanical variables such as the content of volatile elements like Mg and Zn, phase formation and their fractions, solidification intervals, thermo-physical parameters, yield strength and hot crack sensitivity for each alloy composition.

To evaluate the obtained data, sensitivity analysis is performed to find composition-microstructure-property correlations within these complex material systems. Currently, 2D and 3D plots (line or scatter) are used to visualize and interpret the data in an attempt to find correlations and indicators to identify optimized alloys with appropriate target properties for aerospace applications (e.g. Fig.1).

parallel coordinates plot visualizing the information that can be obtained using high-throughput thermodynamic calculations to predict properties.

Fig.1: parallel coordinates plot visualizing the information that can be obtained using high-throughput thermodynamic calculations to predict properties.

The challenge in terms of visualization is to develop (novel) visual encodings that can provide valuable insights into abstract material data generated from varying ratios of these alloys and simulating their respective material properties, e.g., in terms of understanding and interpreting data, generating overviews, or revealing interesting input/output areas or individual alloy candidates.

Based on this, we have provided a list of visualization tasks for this contest.

Data Description

Data was generated focusing on the combination of different Al-based scrap alloys.

> 100,000 combinations of 6 scrap metals were generated by Latin hypercube sampling and their output parameters were simulated, resulting in a table with a total of >100,000 rows and 70 columns. Each row indicates a specific simulated material combination in terms of inputs and outputs.

The columns contain 6 input parameters (i.e. the mixing ratio for each scrap) and 64 output parameters. The data can be divided into 4 categories:

  • (1) scrap alloys for mixing
  • (2) calculated chemical composition after scrap mixing (12 elements)
  • (3) microstructure (38 microstructural parameters)
  • (4) properties (3 mechanical parameters + 11 thermophysical parameters).

To summarize, this data contains:

  • .csv file (~100 MB)
  • > 100000 lines -> each line indicates data for one alloy design
  • 70 columns -> 6 input variables, 64 output variables

In-Detail Description

The provided data file (02a_OUTPUT_Summary.csv) contains the following parameters:

Variable (67 columns) Description
KS1295[%] Mixing ratio of first scrap alloy (Al-Si piston alloy) – input
6082[%] Mixing ratio of second scrap alloy (6082 Al alloy) – input
2024[%] Mixing ratio of third scrap alloy (2024 Al alloy) – input
Batterybox [%] Mixing ratio of fourth scrap alloy (mixture of 6xxx Al alloys from a battery box) – input
4043 [%] Mixing ratio of fifth scrap alloy (4043 Al alloy) – input
3003 [%] Mixing ratio of sixth scrap alloy (3003 Al alloy) – input
Al Aluminum content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Si Silicon content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Cu Copper content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Ni Nickel content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Mg Magnesium content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Mn Manganese content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Fe Iron content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Cr Chromium content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Ti Titanium content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Zr Zirconium content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
V Vanadium content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Zn Zink content after mixing scraps (in wt.%)
Vf_FCC_A1 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the a-Al-matrix phase
Vf_DIAMOND_A4 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the Si phase
Vf_AL15SI2M4 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2 phase
Vf_AL3X Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the Al3(Ti,Zr) phase
Vf_AL6MN Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the Al6Mn phase
Vf_MG2ZN3 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the MG2ZN3 phase
Vf_AL3NI2 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the d-Al3(Cu,Ni)2 phase
Vf_AL3NI_D011 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the e-Al3Ni phase
Vf_AL7CU4NI Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the g-Al7Cu4Ni phase
Vf_AL2CU_C16 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the q-Al2Cu phase
Vf_Q_ALCUMGSI Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the Q-Al5Si6Cu2Mg8 phase
Vf_AL7CU2FE Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the Al7Cu2Fe phase
Vf_MG2SI_C1 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the Mg2Si phase
Vf_AL9FE2SI2 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the β-Al5FeSi phase
Vf_AL18FE2MG7SI10 Volume fraction (in vol.%) of the π-Al8FeMg3Si6 phase
eut. frac.[%] Fraction of eutectic after solidification (in %)
eut. T (°C) Temperature of eutectic formation (in °C)
T_FCC_A1 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the a-Al-matrix phase
T_DIAMOND_A4 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the Si phase
T_AL15SI2M4 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2 phase
T_AL3X Solidification temperature (in °C) of the Al3(Ti,Zr) phase
T_AL6MN Solidification temperature (in °C) of the Al6Mn phase
T_MG2ZN3 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the MG2ZN3 phase
T_AL3NI2 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the d-Al3(Cu,Ni)2 phase
T_AL3NI_D011 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the e-Al3Ni phase
T_AL7CU4NI Solidification temperature (in °C) of the g-Al7Cu4Ni phase
T_AL2CU_C16 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the q-Al2Cu phase
T_Q_ALCUMGSI Solidification temperature (in °C) of the Q-Al5Si6Cu2Mg8 phase
T_AL7CU2FE Solidification temperature (in °C) of the Al7Cu2Fe phase
T_MG2SI_C1 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the Mg2Si phase
T_AL9FE2SI2 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the β-Al5FeSi phase
T_AL18FE2MG7SI10 Solidification temperature (in °C) of the π-Al8FeMg3Si6 phase
T(liqu) Liquidus temperature (in °C)
T(sol) Solidus temperature (in °C)
delta_T Solidification interval (T(liqu) – T(sol), in °C)
delta_T_FCC Solidification interval (T_FCC_A1 – T(sol), in °C)
delta_T_Al15Si2M4 Solidification interval (T_Al15Si2M4 – T(sol), in °C)
delta_T_Si Solidification interval (T_DIAMOND_A4 – T(sol), in °C)
CSC Hot crack susceptibility coefficient
YS (MPa) Total yield strength (in MPa)
Hardness (Vickers) Total hardness (in Vickers)
CTEvol (1/K) (20.0-300.0°C) Volumetric thermal expansion coefficient (in 1/K, temperature range 20-300°C)
Density (g/cm³) Alloy density (in g/cm³)
Volume (m³/mol) System volume (in m³/mol)
El. conductivity (S/m) Electrical conductivity (in S/m)
El. resistivity (ohm·m) Electrical resistivity (in ohm·m)
Heat capacity (J/(mol·K)) Heat capacity (in J/(mol·K))
Therm. conductivity (W/(m·K)) Thermal conductivity (in W/(m·K))
Therm. diffusivity (m²/s) Thermal diffusivity (in m²/s)
Therm. resistivity (mK/W) Thermal resistivity (in mK/W)
Linear thermal expansion (1/K) (20.0-300.0°C) Linear thermal expansion coefficient (in 1/K, temperature range 20-300°C)
Technical thermal expansion (1/K) (20.0-300.0°C) Technical thermal expansion coefficient (in 1/K, temperature range 20-300°C)

Some lines also contain nan values for certain output variables, indicating either that the equilibrium could not be found during the calculation and thus the property could not be calculated correctly, or that the considered phase does not form for the investigated chemical composition.

Download Data

The data has been published on Zenodo, using the following link: It comprises a single text file (size: ~150 MB) that includes all parameters as described above.

If you use this data set in a publication, please acknowledge the following:

K. Bugelnig and G. Requena, “Dataset - SciVisContest - Materials Discovery Challenge”.
Zenodo, Nov. 14, 2024. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.14182255

References and Acknowledgments

[1] EUROPEAN ALUMINIUM | A strategy for achieving aluminium’s full potential for circular economy by 2030 (2022) Available here

[2] D. Raabe (2023) The Materials Science behind Sustainable Metals and Alloys, Chem. Rev. 123, 2436−2608, Available here

[3] K. Bugelnig, H. Germann, T. Steffens, F. Sket, J. Adrien, E. Maire, E. Boller, G. Requena (2018) Revealing the Effect of Local Connectivity of Rigid Phases during Deformation at High Temperature of Cast AlSi12Cu4Ni(2,3)Mg Alloys, Materials.11(8), 1300. Available here

[4] K. Bugelnig, F. Sket, H. Germann, T. Steffens, R. Koos, F. Wilde, E. Boller, G. Requena (2018) Influence of 3D connectivity of rigid phases on damage evolution during tensile deformation of an AlSi12Cu4Ni2 piston alloy, Mater. sci. eng. A 709, 193-202. Available here

[5] K. Bugelnig, H. Germann, T. Steffens, R. Koos, E. Boller, F. Wilde, G. Requena (2023), 3D Investigation of Damage During Strain-Controlled Thermomechanical Fatigue of Cast Al–Si Alloys, Adv. Eng. Mater., 2300339. Available here